January 26, 2022

Affirmative Action

“The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to reconsider the role of race in college admissions… The first case, filed against Harvard University, contends that the university’s race-conscious admissions policy discriminates against Asian American applicants. According to [Students for Fair Admissions], Asian Americans are significantly less likely to be admitted than similarly qualified white, Black, or Hispanic applicants… The second case, filed against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the state’s flagship public university, argues that the university’s consideration of race in its undergraduate admissions process violates both Title VI and the Constitution.” SCOTUSblog

Here’s our prior coverage of affirmative action. The Flip Side

See past issues

From the Right

The right argues that affirmative action is counterproductive and outdated.

From the Left

The left argues that affirmative action is necessary to remedy the legacy of racial discrimination and promote diversity.

The left argues that affirmative action is necessary to remedy the legacy of racial discrimination and promote diversity.

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