December 16, 2020

AG William Barr Resigns

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“U.S. Attorney General William Barr will step down next week, he said on Monday… Trump lashed out at Barr on Twitter over the weekend after the Wall Street Journal reported that Barr knew earlier this year about an investigation into Biden’s son Hunter’s taxes… Barr’s fate in the waning days of the Trump administration had been in question since he said earlier this month that a Justice Department investigation had found no sign of major fraud in the election, contradicting Trump’s claims.” Reuters

See past issues

From the Right

The right praises Barr.

From the Left

The left criticizes Barr.

The left criticizes Barr.

A libertarian's take
“As America went through a summer of anger, protests, and violence about police abuse of minorities, Barr not only habitually took the side of police, but also basically told Americans to just shut up and do what they're told… In speeches, he embraced the ‘warrior cop’ mentality and complained in a speech at a Fraternal Order of Police conference in 2019 that, ‘Not too long ago influential public voices—whether in the media or among community and civic leaders—stressed the need to comply with police commands, even if one thinks they are unjust.’ He was mad that those days were gone…

“Barr opposes legislation that would weaken ‘qualified immunity,’ which in many cases protects police officers from being sued when they knowingly violate citizens' rights… Finally, Barr should be remembered for his decision to fire up the mechanism of federal executions and putting (so far) 10 men to death over the course of just six months… Every fan of liberty should be thrilled that he's leaving.”
Scott Shackford, Reason

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