November 3, 2022

Brazil’s Election

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has done it again: Twenty years after first winning the Brazilian presidency, the leftist defeated incumbent Jair Bolsonaro Sunday in an extremely tight election that marks an about-face for the country after four years of far-right politics. With 99.9% of the votes tallied in the runoff vote, da Silva had 50.9% and Bolsonaro 49.1%.” AP News

Here’s our prior coverage of Brazil’s election. The Flip Side

See past issues

From the Right

The right is disappointed by Lula’s victory.

From the Left

The left celebrates Lula’s victory.

The left celebrates Lula’s victory.

A libertarian's take

“Economic growth helped [Bolsonaro] strengthen his political base in Brazil's industrious Southeast and in the interior, agricultural regions. But his governing style repelled enough urban, so-called centrist voters to push da Silva over the finish line, even if just barely. True to form, Bolsonaro had not conceded nearly 48 hours after his electoral defeat, thus sparking worries regarding his previous threats not to recognize the election's results if he lost. His officials, however, seem to have begun the transition…

“As elsewhere, wokeism is out of control in Brazil—and this purportedly helped Bolsonaro—but it's quite another thing to, say, celebrate the military regimes of the 1960s, or to call into question the validity of Brazilian democracy. For his part, da Silva managed to portray himself as a moderate once he had gained the backing of several high-profile politicians not associated with the political left. These included his former rival in the 2006 presidential election, Geraldo Alckmin, who became da Silva's vice presidential nominee. ​​Bolsonaro remained combative.”
Daniel Raisbeck, Reason

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