December 18, 2020

COVID Relief Bill

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“It’s a hurry up and wait moment on Capitol Hill as congressional negotiators on a must-pass, almost $1 trillion COVID-19 economic relief package struggled through a handful of remaining snags Thursday… After being bogged down for much of the day, negotiators reported behind-the-scenes progress Thursday night.” AP News

Both sides criticize Congress for not passing a bill sooner:

We’re writing about the same deal over and over again because Congress has fussed over the same details for spending their imaginary money for the last four months.  As I wrote yesterday, it’s essentially the same deal that Congress could have easily passed any time over the last four months. The elements for this kind of compromise have been hiding in plain sight all along.”
Ed Morrissey, Hot Air

“Even if a bill passes, millions of workers will likely face a lag in receiving those payments while the regulators and states responsible for distributing them iron out the new process. An estimated 4 million workers have likely already had their benefits run out, some of them for months, after they maxed out the number of weekly payments to them established by the CARES Act, the first stimulus package. However long it takes to get a new system up and running is how long they’ll have to wait before they get another check… it could take two to eight weeks for checks to start going out… It turns out governance via extreme procrastination is not an ideal approach.”
Emily Stewart, Vox

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