September 15, 2021

Democratic Tax Plan

“House Democrats unveiled a sweeping proposal Monday for tax hikes on big corporations and the wealthy… The proposed top tax rate would revert to 39.6% on individuals earning more than $400,000, or $450,000 for couples, and there would be a 3% tax on wealthier Americans with adjusted income beyond $5 million a year. For big businesses, the proposal would lift the corporate tax rate from 21% to 26.5% on incomes beyond $5 million, slightly less than the 28% rate the president had sought.” AP News

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From the Right

The right opposes the proposed tax increases, arguing that many of them would eventually be passed on to the middle class.

From the Left

The left generally supports the proposed tax increases and argues that additional tax reforms are necessary to fund needed spending.

The left generally supports the proposed tax increases and argues that additional tax reforms are necessary to fund needed spending.

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