May 17, 2023

Durham Report

The FBI lacked ‘actual evidence’ to investigate Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and relied too heavily on tips provided by Trump's political opponents to fuel the probe, U.S. Special Counsel John Durham concluded in a report released on Monday.” Reuters

Here’s our prior coverage of the Durham investigation. The Flip Side

See past issues

From the Right

The right praises Durham’s conclusions, and accuses the FBI of helping the Clinton campaign go after Trump.

From the Left

The left criticizes Durham’s conclusions, and argues that the FBI was right to investigate the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.

The left criticizes Durham’s conclusions, and argues that the FBI was right to investigate the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.

A libertarian's take

“Ultimately, the Durham report represents one more entry in a sad, symbiotically conspiratorial, paranoid juncture in American politics. Democrats spent years convincing themselves of an elaborate Trump-Russia conspiracy and, when given the opportunity, used the levers of government to try and prove it even when the evidence wasn't there. Republicans rightfully repudiated this…

“But they didn't stop there, instead concocting a broad-based and elaborate conspiracy involving the Clinton campaign, Robert Mueller, and the ‘Deep State.’ And given the opportunity to use government power to try and prove this equally nonsensical conspiracy, they took it. On both sides, there was bad behavior and sketchy dealings, to be sure. Both the Mueller and Durham investigations revealed that. But nothing uncovered the elaborate fantasies of evil and massive corruption that either side concocted.”
Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Reason

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