February 11, 2022


Last week, the Cook Political Report estimated that Democrats are currently leading their nationwide redistricting scorecard; the party is currently projected to gain two seats as a result of new state Congressional maps. Cook Political Report

“The Supreme Court put on hold a lower court ruling that Alabama must draw new congressional districts before the 2022 elections to increase Black voting power… Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Samuel Alito, part of the conservative majority, said the lower court’s order for a new map came too close to the 2022 election cycle.” AP News

See past issues

From the Right

The right is critical of Democratic gerrymandering and praises the Supreme Court ruling.

From the Left

The left argues in favor of changes to prevent gerrymandering by both sides, and criticizes the Supreme Court ruling.

The left argues in favor of changes to prevent gerrymandering by both sides, and criticizes the Supreme Court ruling.

A libertarian's take

The case against Alabama's new districts is hardly clear-cut. On the map approved by state lawmakers, there would be six likely Republican districts and one majority-black, likely Democratic district. What you think about that split probably depends on your own political leanings, but the operative question in the federal lawsuit is whether state lawmakers in Alabama (a state where about 27 percent of the population is black) should be required by federal courts to draw a second majority-minority district…

“‘The Voting Rights Act claim against Alabama was not that strong,’ Andy Craig, a staff writer who covers voting rights and election issues for the libertarian Cato Institute, tells Reason. ‘It's theoretically possible to draw a second majority-black district, but just barely and only at the extreme expense of other traditional criteria like compactness.’ These are the same tricky questions—what matters more, the race of voters or the compactness of a district—that are poorly suited to courtrooms even when there is time for a full hearing of the issues.”
Eric Boehm, Reason

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