April 6, 2022

Hungary’s Election

Hungary's nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban scored a fourth consecutive landslide win in Sunday's election, as voters endorsed his ambition of a conservative, ‘illiberal’ state.” Reuters

See past issues

From the Right

The right argues that criticism of Orbán is overblown and that American conservatives can learn from his success.

From the Left

The left criticizes Orbán’s anti-democratic policies and urges penalties for violating EU norms.

The left criticizes Orbán’s anti-democratic policies and urges penalties for violating EU norms.

A libertarian's take

“Orbán's sweeping victory suggests that many millions of Hungarians, well aware of his record, are on board with his vision for their country. This raises the specter of a true illiberal democracy… A society in which 51 percent of a population votes to oppress the other 49 percent can claim the mantle of democracy. The problem is that it is illiberal, not undemocratic…

“Democratic institutions, important as they are, only get us so far. We must insist on liberalism as well: free speech, private property protections, religious liberty, freedom of movement, constitutional constraints and separations of power and rule of law and all the rest. We can't know which side of the 50 percent mark we'll fall on; the less of our lives we allow to be put to a vote in the first place, the better off we'll be.”
Stephanie Slade, Reason

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