September 12, 2018


“President Donald Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is now in the hands of the U.S. Senate, where the likelihood of a party-line vote to confirm him was not much reduced last week by his multi-day confirmation hearing." Reuters

See past issues

From the Left

The left continues to point out Kavanaugh’s pro-corporate and anti-women’s reproductive rights stances.

“These judges, who aspire to be strict constructionists, continue to find special privileges for big businesses... Judge Kavanaugh’s judicial opinions – on power plant pollution, the consumer financial protection bureau, net neutrality, food safety, and worker rights – fit right into this new pro-corporate judicial philosophy… [and] could permanently tilt the balance of power in favor of this country’s most powerful ‘people’ – corporations."


“Protesters have claimed for many years that if Roe v. Wade is overturned, women will die. It’s a fair prediction; women died before Roe, and where abortion is illegal, unsafe abortion leads to maternal death. In the past, however, Roe has been saved. Should Kavanaugh be confirmed, it will either fall or be eviscerated."

New York Times


“We won’t know how Kavanaugh will decide on abortion, affirmative action or myriad other issues until he’s sitting on the nation’s highest bench... Many who became Supreme Court justices had reputations that would chill spines if nominated today. Hugo Black, who as a young politician in Alabama was a Ku Klux Klan member, voted with the majority in Brown to end segregation. Kavanaugh may rise to the occasion as well.”

Houston Chronicle

According to Bret Stephens, “the G.O.P.’s refusal to consider Judge Garland’s nomination was a disgrace. No argument from me there. Although I would point out that the hyper-politicization of these confirmation hearings began in 1987 with the disgraceful Democratic mistreatment of Robert Bork, the Reagan nominee who should have been confirmed."

New York Times

From the Right

The right praises Kavanaugh while condemning Democrats’ tactics during the hearings.

The right praises Kavanaugh while condemning Democrats’ tactics during the hearings.

“In a time when the idea that the Constitution is a ‘living, breathing document’ is taken seriously, a judge willing to so forthrightly declare that it is not the job of an unelected branch of government to set policy, no matter its members personal feelings about the propriety of such policy, is both refreshing and consistent with the finest judicial traditions of this great country."

Naples Daily News

“This week's confirmation hearings were [a] joke: a pointless, partisan spectacle, that only rarely touched on the man destined for the robe and the pension-less job. And we're all worse for it."

  • “The online Left erupted with claims that former Kavanaugh clerk Zina Bash had flashed a white-power symbol during the hearing. It turns out that Bash is a Mexican-American immigrant with a Jewish father, a descendant of Holocaust survivors. So, no, she’s not a white nationalist.” (National Review)
  • Sen. Cory Booker’s “Super Secret ‘racial bias’ memosrevealed that Judge Kavanaugh had much the same position on the use of racial profiling in law enforcement in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks as, well, Cory Booker.” (Daily Wire)

“It’s sad that this is news to some, but people of good faith and high character can and do come to competing conclusions about originalism, abortion, gun control, and religious liberty.”

National Review

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