October 24, 2022

Los Angeles

“Embattled Los Angeles Councilman Kevin de Leon said [last] Wednesday he will not resign amid an uproar over a leaked tape that revealed him participating in a meeting in which Latino officials made crude, racist remarks and plotted to expand their political power… The scandal already has led to the resignation of former City Council President Nury Martinez and calls from President Joe Biden for those involved to step down.” NBC News

“[Republican candidate Rick] Caruso has erased a double-digit deficit with [Democratic candidate Karen] Bass in the final weeks of the most expensive mayor’s contest in city history. The billionaire shopping mall developer, who has spent tens of millions from his personal fortune in his first run for political office, is in a tight race with the veteran politician.” Politico

See past issues

From the Right

The right condemns identity politics and is optimistic about Caruso’s chances.

From the Left

The left criticizes Los Angeles’s political structure and praises Bass.

The left criticizes Los Angeles’s political structure and praises Bass.

A libertarian's take

“Across time and cultures, humans have discriminated against those they regard as ‘other’ and––for better or worse––who we regard as ‘other’ is highly malleable. If we center racial identity in municipal politics, so that people regard candidates of the same race as ‘us’ and those of different races as ‘them,’ prejudice and bigotry will follow

“I have no objection to a racially diverse Los Angeles City Council. All else equal, it’s what I would choose. But what I want more are better policies than Los Angeles now offers, a municipal politics where race is not at all a predictor of whether a politician shares one’s interests, and voters who pay no more attention to race than whether a candidate is right or left-handed. We aren’t there yet. I understand why. But that ought to be the goal that we’re moving toward, because continuing to raise the salience of race will cause more bigoted othering.”
Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic

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