August 21, 2023

Montana Climate Lawsuit

“Montana is violating the rights of young people with policies that prohibit the state from considering climate change effects when it reviews coal mining, natural gas extraction and other fossil fuel projects, a state judge said Monday

“The 16 plaintiffs sued Montana in 2020, when they were ages 2 to 18, claiming the state's permitting of projects like coal and natural gas production exacerbated the climate crisis, despite a 1972 amendment to the Montana constitution requiring the state to protect and improve the environment.” Reuters

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From the Right

The right is critical of the ruling, arguing that Montana’s emissions cannot be linked to tangible harms alleged by the plaintiffs.

From the Left

The left is generally supportive of the ruling, arguing that failing to reduce emissions harms both people and the environment.

The left is generally supportive of the ruling, arguing that failing to reduce emissions harms both people and the environment.

A libertarian's take

The connection between CO2 emissions and wildfires is tenuous at best. Bjorn Lomborg used data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to show that the total land area of the world burned by wildfires has trended downward in recent years. Roger Pielke, Jr. examined the treatment of wildfires in reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)—he concluded that the IPCC ‘has not detected or attributed fire occurrence or area burned to human‐​caused climate change.’…

“Personally, I suffered acute illness from the wildfire smoke that covered the Washington, DC area for several days this summer. I can vouch for the unpleasantness of inhaling wildfire smoke and the health impacts. However, an objective look at the data does not reveal a link between CO2 emissions and wildfires, certainly not the causal link needed in a court setting.”
Travis Fisher, Cato Institute

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