March 30, 2023

Nashville Shooting

The former student of a Christian grade school in Nashville who killed three 9-year-olds and three adults in a shooting spree there was under a doctor's care for an ‘emotional disorder’ and had amassed a collection of guns, the city's police chief said on Tuesday…

“[Nashville Police Chief John] Drake said [assailant Audrey] Hale identified as a transgender person, and said investigators believe the suspect harbored ‘some resentment for having to go to’ the Covenant School as a child. The chief declined to elaborate and did not say what role, if any, Hale's gender identity, educational background or other social or religious dynamics might have played. Investigators ‘don't have a motive at this time,’ he said.” Reuters

See past issues

From the Right

The right asks why the shooter’s mental health issues didn’t show up in background checks, and criticizes media coverage of the incident.

From the Left

The left calls for ‘red flag’ laws to prevent the mentally ill from possessing guns, and a ban on assault rifles and high-capacity magazines.

The left calls for ‘red flag’ laws to prevent the mentally ill from possessing guns, and a ban on assault rifles and high-capacity magazines.

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