October 7, 2021

Pandora Papers

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“A global investigation has revealed how the rich and powerful have [been] hiding their investments in mansions, exclusive beachfront property, yachts and other assets for the past quarter-century… The investigation, dubbed the Pandora Papers, was published late Sunday and involved 600 journalists from 150 media outlets in 117 countries.” AP News

“The investigation is based on a leak of confidential records of 14 offshore service providers that give professional services to wealthy individuals and corporations seeking to incorporate shell companies, trusts, foundations and other entities in low- or no-tax jurisdictions.” ICIJ

See past issues

From the Right

The right cautions against conflating corruption with wealth, and calls for a simpler tax code.

From the Left

The left calls for additional transparency and stricter financial regulations both in the US and worldwide.

The left calls for additional transparency and stricter financial regulations both in the US and worldwide.

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