July 28, 2022

Pelosi and Taiwan

China delivered sterner warnings to U.S. officials about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's possible visit to Taiwan, a foreign ministry spokesman said on Monday… [The Financial Times] cited six people familiar with the Chinese warnings as saying they were significantly stronger than the threats that Beijing has made in the past when it was unhappy with U.S. actions or policy on Taiwan, which is claimed by China… The Financial Times reported last week that Pelosi plans to visit Taiwan in August…

“On Wednesday, U.S. President Joe Biden said he plans to speak with Chinese President Xi Jinping by the end of the month. Biden appeared to cast doubt on the reported Pelosi trip to Taiwan. ‘I think that the military thinks it's not a good idea right now, but I don't know what the status of it is,’ Biden told reporters.” Reuters

See past issues

From the Right

The right criticizes Biden for not providing more support to Pelosi.

From the Left

The left hopes that Biden and Pelosi can de-escalate the situation without appearing to give in to China's demands.

The left hopes that Biden and Pelosi can de-escalate the situation without appearing to give in to China's demands.

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