November 17, 2021

Rittenhouse Trial

The jury at Kyle Rittenhouse’s murder trial deliberated a full day on Tuesday without reaching a verdict… Rittenhouse, 18, faces life in prison if convicted as charged for using an AR-style semi-automatic rifle to kill two men and wound a third during a night of protests against racial injustice in Kenosha in the summer of 2020… Rittenhouse testified he acted in self-defense, while prosecutors argued he provoked the violence.” AP News

See past issues

From the Right

The right argues that Rittenhouse has a strong self-defense claim, and criticizes local authorities for failing to maintain order during the protests preceding the shooting.

From the Left

The left condemns Rittenhouse for inserting himself into a potentially dangerous situation, and worries about the consequences of widespread gun possession during protests.

The left condemns Rittenhouse for inserting himself into a potentially dangerous situation, and worries about the consequences of widespread gun possession during protests.

On the bright side...

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