November 4, 2021

Supreme Court Gun Case

“The Supreme Court on Wednesday seemed ready to strike down a restrictive New York gun permitting law, but the justices also seemed worried about issuing a broad ruling that could threaten gun restrictions on subways, bars, stadiums and other gathering places… Supreme Court decisions in 2008 and 2010 established a nationwide right to keep a gun at home for self-defense. The question the court is now confronting is about the right to carry a gun outside the home.” AP News

See past issues

From the Right

The right urges the Court to strike down the law, arguing that constitutional rights should not be contingent on bureaucratic discretion.

From the Left

The left argues that there is historical precedent for New York’s law, and hopes the Court will not issue an expansive ruling that calls into question other gun safety laws.

The left argues that there is historical precedent for New York’s law, and hopes the Court will not issue an expansive ruling that calls into question other gun safety laws.

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