April 4, 2022

Title 42

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Friday that it is ending a policy that limited asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The government said it was already making plans to erect tents and take other steps to prepare for an expected influx of migrants… The policy, known as the Title 42 authority, is named for a 1944 public health law to prevent communicable disease.” AP News

See past issues

From the Right

The right is critical of the decision to end Title 42, arguing that it will exacerbate the crisis at the border.

From the Left

The left supports the decision to end Title 42, arguing that it was not necessary to prevent the spread of Covid and resulted in the expulsion of migrants lawfully seeking asylum.

The left supports the decision to end Title 42, arguing that it was not necessary to prevent the spread of Covid and resulted in the expulsion of migrants lawfully seeking asylum.

A libertarian's take

“While it's a good thing that Biden may finally end the expulsions, it's reprehensible that the White House continues to hide behind the skirts of the CDC, perhaps hoping to convey the impression that they're just ‘following the science.’ In reality, this was a White House-driven and politics-driven policy from first to last…

“Even if government agencies deserve special deference when they enact policy based on specialized scientific expertise, such disinterested expertise has been notable primarily by its absence, when it comes to CDC's role in Covid pandemic policy. Both Trump and Biden have used the agency's veneer of scientific expertise as a cover for dubious policies actually enacted for other reasons. Courts and others should take note.”
Ilya Somin, Volokh Conspiracy

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