November 2, 2021

Virginia Governor’s Race

“A closely contested race for governor in Virginia entered its final hours Monday with Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Glenn Youngkin both hoping for last-minute momentum amid a contest that’s emerging as a referendum on Joe Biden’s presidency.” AP News

As of early Tuesday morning, Youngkin leads by 1.7 percent according to RealClearPolitics and 1.0 percent according to FiveThirtyEight. RealClearPolitics, FiveThirtyEight

Here’s our previous coverage of the race. The Flip Side

See past issues

From the Right

The right praises Youngkin’s focus on local issues and criticizes the Democratic Party’s policy agenda.

From the Left

The left urges Democrats to focus on solving tangible problems and criticizes the Republican party’s tactics.

The left urges Democrats to focus on solving tangible problems and criticizes the Republican party’s tactics.

A libertarian's take

“It's difficult, if not impossible, for government-run schools to simultaneously accommodate families ready to return to normal life and those who want to continue pandemic-inspired social distancing. It's even more challenging to craft lessons for families insisting on race neutrality in the classroom that will appeal to those who favor an "anti-racist" agenda. Politicians like Youngkin and McAuliffe can either pick sides in these battles and hope that they'll ultimately triumph, or they can offer a way out of endless culture war by letting students escape the battleground…

School choice offers an exit ramp from school board battles and conflicts among parents by letting funding follow students to the education that families want for their kids. Neighbors with different preferences can peacefully choose options that suit them without any need for disagreement. Increasingly, people seem to understand that fighting over government monopolies is a dead end and that choice is the way to go.”
J.D. Tuccille, Reason

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